Saturday, January 26, 2013

Get set...

I have an entry in my journal from a week or so ago that's all nicely set up, dated, titled Preparing to Go, and contains all of 6 words: "God, I'm not ready for this." That was as far as I got that night, and I must admit that's a pretty accurate description of how I'm feeling about these next 3 months. However, looking at the journal entry and thinking back over the past week, I am in awe of how God has continued to show His faithfulness even in those few days. This entire process has been a continuous stream of endless examples of the Lord's provision. In the first stages of thinking about going, I had a list of all the reasons why I couldn't do it. Couldn't leave Wheaton, couldn't make the credits work, couldn't back out of various campus commitments, and God literally went down the list and checked off every single one. As the months have gone by, he's continued to do so with all my fears and anxieties, and this past week has been just another example. A week ago I was freaking out because I didn't have plane tickets yet, was worried about budget details, unsure about whether my host family even knew when I was coming, and just generally stressed. This morning, I have a flight itinerary, a packing list, a list of things to bring to the missionaries in Bolivia, and a set of training information to look over. God is so patient with my detail-oriented heart...and He is SO GOOD!

For housing, I'll be staying in the home of one of the nurses at the clinic (with kitties!), which will force me to speak Spanish =) The Hawthorne's are also purchasing a Spanish textbook that I'll be studying out of, so I won't be completely on my own on the language side of things! All these details have made the trip so much more tangible, along with the fact that I'm leaving in 8 DAYS. Wowzers, how time has flown. It's time to actually start packing! I still don't feel "ready to go" in the sense that I feel in-control, but I think that's where God wants me. I love the words of the old hymn:

'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
Just to take him at his word!
Just to rest upon his promise
Just to know, Thus saith the Lord.
Jesus, Jesus how I trust him!
How I've proved Him o'er and o'er
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus
O for grace to trust him more!

I'm practicing the daily routine of giving this trip to Him and trusting him to take care of the next details, and in the process I'm learning to do the same with everything else as well. It feels a bit like jumping off a cliff, and a bit like coming home. But that's life with Jesus, isn't it?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

On your mark...

Hello wonderful people! I've never done a blog before, so this is a bit of an adventure! As the title suggests, the point of this blog is to give you all a window into this adventure that God's leading me into for these next couple months. For all of you who aren't entirely updated, here's a little description of how I got myself into this grand adventure and what I'll be up to until May.

In July of 2011 I had the opportunity to travel to Bolivia with a group from my high school youth group, and had an incredible experience of working alongside the missionaries from Parkside Church there and getting to know some of the Bolivian youth and church leaders. Now, 2 years later, God has opened doors for me to travel to Bolivia once again - this time officially with SIM, and with more of a medical focus. For the first half of the trip I will be living and working with Steve and Mary Hawthorne in the city of Potosí where Steve started a clinic last year.I'll be shadowing the physical therapist at the clinic, since that's what I'm looking into pursuing after Wheaton, and helping out in whatever ways I can. During the second half of the trip I'll be back in the capital city of La Paz working alongside the SIM missionaries there and exploring more of the medical missions world. My tentative travel dates are February 5th-May 7th, and I'll be back just in time to jump back into academia up at HoneyRock for the WIN program (Wheaton in the Northwoods). Whew!

These next 3-or-so weeks before departure will be filled with doctors appointments, logistics, heart-preparation, and studying Spanish medical terminology. Prayers are much appreciated as I wrap up loose ends and get ready to go, as it is easy to get caught up in the details and miss the big-picture lessons that God is teaching me. I love you all and I appreciate your amazing love and support throughout this whole process.

In Him,

  • Budget is done, and funds are all in!
  • Precious time with grandparents: a rare treat that doesn't usually happen during normal breaks
  • Quiet hours at home spent with Jesus
  • Discipline to study medical Spanish efficiently without the motivation of a teacher and grades
  • A servant's heart while at home running errands, doing laundry, and helping mom out =)
  • Ears to hear the Lord's voice over my own demands